UN Global Compact järjestää tapahtuman, jossa keskustellaan veden riittävyydestä ja siihen liittyvistä riskeistä yrityksille, sekä yritysten tarjoamista ratkaisuista vesikriisiin.
Businesses must elevate their ambitions and actions to help achieve the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030, and on the near term to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. As we look towards recovery from COVID-19, we must do so with resilience in mind, helping to ensure that economic models and business practices take into account the importance of addressing the needs of our most vulnerable communities and our natural systems.
This webinar will highlight Water Resilience Coalition’s role in bringing together businesses to set ambitious goals for water and to work collaboratively to build more water secure and resilient basins around the world. The Water Resilience Coalition calls on companies to join forces and work collaboratively with others to build resilient water systems that enable access to water so critical for good hygiene during this time of pandemic and can respond to the major impacts that climate change will have on this vital resource.
In this webinar, you will learn:
- Why the water crisis is a significant risk to your business and how climate impacts is exacerbating these risks
- How leading companies are addressing the water crisis including leading water strategies
- What you can do as a company to both manage for your own risks and build long-term resilience
Lukas Joppa, Chief Environmental officer, Microsoft
Jeff Hogue, Chief Sustainability Officer, Levi's (TBC)
Jill Kolling, VP of Global SUstainability, Cargill
Jennifer Schorch, President, Water.org
Jason Morrison, Head of the UNGC CEO Water Mandate, and President of the Pacific Institute
Tapahtuma järjestetään verkossa. Ilmoittaudu mukaan: https://www.unglobalcompact.org/take-action/events/1820-building-a-water-resilient-future
Tule katsomaan kanssamme ajankohtaista Everyone's Business -dokumenttia 23.1.2025 klo 14.30–17!
Want to learn about recent regulatory developments, the business value of ensuring a living wage and how to engage stakeholders in creating an environment for adequate remuneration? Join us.
Pohjoismaiset yritykset ja UN Global Compact -paikallisverkostot yhdistävät jälleen voimansa – tällä kertaa Helsingissä 2.-3.6.2025!