Paris, France
Joint this forum to discuss and learn how the private sector can play a greater role in directing capital towards the SDGs.
The SDG Investment Forum series is designed to connect investors seeking to align with the Sustainable Development Goals to responsible businesses and investment opportunities around the world.
Hosted by the UN Global Compact and Global Compact Networks in Europe, this forum will bring together nearly 150 participants from both the public and private sectors alongside representatives from the UN, civil society and academia.
Click here for agenda and instructions on how to sign up.
Persons with disabilities are less likely to participate in the labour market, and when they do, they face higher unemployment rates, are more likely to be self-employed and tend to earn lower wages.
Alumni, tervetuloa verkostoitumaan ja syventämään osaamistasi ajankohtaisista vastuullisuusteemoista!
How can businesses contribute to peace in conflict-affected and post-conflict regions?