Get a thorough understanding of how financial institutions can set ambitious climate targets.
Financial institutions have special influence over companies through their investment and lending services. Therefore they are also in a unique position to encourage and put pressure on companies to set ambitious climate targets which correspond to the scenarios outlined in the Paris Agreement.
But how can financial institutions approach the mission of decarbonizing their investments? The answer can be found in the Science Based Targets methodology for financial institutions which was released in April of this year.
During this webinar, you will learn more about how financial institutions can set scientifically founded climate targets and why it is important that they do so. You will also get an overview of the three methods which Science Based Targets currently supports in the new methodology. Finally, there will be plenty of time for you to ask questions.
This event is organized by Global Compact Network Denmark in collaboration with the Global Compact Networks of Finland, Norway, and Sweden. It will take place on 19 November at 10–11:45 EET.
NB! Please note that the webinar is for representatives of companies which are part of a Nordic Global Compact network.
Kansainvälinen YK:n yritys- ja ihmisoikeusfoorumi 25.-27.11. kokoaa vuosittain yhteen tuhansia osallistujia hallituksista, järjestöistä, yrityksistä, kansalaisyhteiskunnasta ja yhteisöistä ympäri maailmaa.
This live debrief session will feature senior advisers from across the UN Secretary-General’s Climate Action team who will provide context and nuance to the main headlines from COP29 and share priorities for corporate action to drive progress in 2025.
Join this session to receive the latest updates about the Communication on Progress and pose your questions to the Global Compact Office.