Engage with SBTi experts and companies taking action for a net-zero future in this interactive session.
Companies are facing intense pressure to set Science Based Targets and align their business strategies with a net-zero future. Although sector-specific guidance has been developed for many industries, companies are still seeking support to better understand the best way in which to approach setting and achieving science-based targets.
In this session, you will have the opportunity to engage with SBTi experts and companies taking action in the Financial Institutions sector through an interactive session, to support you in putting your company on track to deliver a net-zero future.
SBTi Sector Exchanges
Forest, Land & Agriculture (FLAG) (one session)
Financial Institutions (two sessions):
Buildings (two sessions):
Finsifin, Nasdaq Helsingin ja UN Global Compact Suomen tilaisuudessa sukelletaan yritysten ja sijoittajien väliseen vastuullisuusdynamiikkaan ja joukkovelkakirjoihin.
Pohjoismaiset yritykset ja UN Global Compact -paikallisverkostot yhdistävät jälleen voimansa – tällä kertaa Helsingissä 2.-3.6.2025!