16.11.2020 - 18.11.2020
Tämän vuoden Business and Human Rights -forumin teema on "Preventing business-related human rights abuses: The key to a sustainable future for people and planet"
UN Forum on Business and Human Rights järjestetään tänä vuonna 9. kertaa. Forum järjestetään täysin virtuaalisesti, ja se on avoin kaikille.
Lisätietoa, ohjelma ja rekisteröityminen: https://www.ohchr.org/EN/Issues/Business/Forum/Pages/2020ForumBHR.aspx
How can businesses contribute to peace in conflict-affected and post-conflict regions?
Are you struggling to keep up with the rapid evolution of EU sustainability regulations? Join us on 20 March at 2:00 p.m. CET for the inaugural session on Unpacking the Latest Policy Insights & Developments.
The quarterly briefings on recent regulatory developments will provide information on the actions that are expected from them today, and in the near future.