The UN Global Compact Academy Office Hour Webinars provide a live, interactive space to learn more about the Academy’s resources and how they can support your sustainability journey.
Join us for engaging sessions where experts dive deep into the Academy's learning modules, tools, and case studies, and you can ask all your questions. Get personalized guidance on navigating sustainability topics, aligning with the Ten Principles, and leveraging the Academy’s educational offerings to drive real-world impact.
Whether you're new to the Academy or looking to deepen your knowledge, these webinars are the perfect opportunity to enhance your learning experience!
Pick a time that best suits you:
The UN Global Compact Academy Office Hour Webinars provide a live, interactive space to learn more about the Academy’s resources and how they can support your sustainability journey.
Persons with disabilities are less likely to participate in the labour market, and when they do, they face higher unemployment rates, are more likely to be self-employed and tend to earn lower wages.
Alumni, tervetuloa verkostoitumaan ja syventämään osaamistasi ajankohtaisista vastuullisuusteemoista!