Menneet tapahtumat

Täältä voit selata UN Global Compact Suomen menneitä tapahtumia.


The Road to Riyadh: UNCCD COP16

Join the UN Global Compact and UN Convention to Combat Desertification on September 4th to learn more about upcoming UNCCD COP16 in Riyadh and how the private sector can join the Business 4 Land initiative and take action today.


Office Hours: Communication on Progress

Join this session to receive the latest updates about the Communication on Progress and pose your questions to the Global Compact Office.


Finsif & UN Global Compact Suomi: Meet & Mingle – SDG:t liiketoiminnassa ja sijoittajan pöydällä

Miten kestävän kehityksen tavoitteet integroidaan osaksi vastuullista liiketoimintaa ja miten tavoitteiden edistymistä seurataan? Millainen merkitys SDG-tavoitteilla on sijoittajalle ja mitä haasteita vastuulliseen sijoittamiseen liittyy?


Office Hours: Communication on Progress

Join this session to receive the latest updates about the Communication on Progress and pose your questions to the Global Compact Office.


Office Hours: Communication on Progress

Join this session to receive the latest updates about the Communication on Progress and pose your questions to the Global Compact Office.


Whistle-blower protection in business

In this deep dive of our Global Webinar Series on Business Integrity, we will unpack the importance of whistle-blower protection and share insights on fostering a culture of ethical conduct within your workplace.


Introducing SPARK

The session will provide detailed insights on the objective of SPARK, business value of sustainability, and calendar of activities, and participants will have the opportunity to ask questions and exchange experiences with other participants who are working towards the same goals.


Office Hours: Communication on Progress

Join this session to receive the latest updates about the Communication on Progress and pose your questions to the Global Compact Office.


Better Hospitality Initiative: webinar 6

Join us for the last webinar of our webinar series aimed at supporting businesses in the hospitality industry in their sustainability journey.


13th Briefing on Regulatory Trends in the European Union and at the International Level

Join to be briefed on recent regulatory developments in the EU and internationally and learn what actions that are expected from companies.


How businesses can build sustainable supply chains

In this virtual session, attendees will uncover the latest opportunities and challenges that businesses face when building sustainable supply chains.


Ask the Experts: How to strategically prepare for CSRD/ESRS reporting

Join the UN Global Compact Norway for an interactive online discussion on how to strategically prepare your company for reporting under the European Corporate Sustainability Directive (CSRD).


Understanding the CSRD/ESRS requirements: Part 4, Social Standards

This four-part webinar series provides UN Global Compact participants with a comprehensive understanding of the CSRD/ESRS and outlines specific requirements to help companies integrate the directive into their business practices.


Understanding water resilience to safeguard and accelerate business

Learn what your risks are, how to assess them, and where to apply this new knowledge to build long-term water resilience for your business.


Nordic Climate Discussion Series: Beyond Value Chain Mitigation

In this webinar we dive into the SBTi’s BVCM recommendations and take a closer look at the voluntary carbon market and what role it could and should play in companies’ climate action strategies.


Better Hospitality Initiative: webinar 5

Join us for the fifth webinar of our webinar series aimed at supporting businesses in the hospitality industry in their sustainability journey.


Pyöreän pöydän keskustelu: Hyväksikäytettyjen työntekijöiden pääsy korjaaviin toimenpiteisiin

Tilaisuudessa keskitytään korjaavien toimenpiteiden saatavuuteen erityisesti Suomessa sekä suomalaisissa yrityksissä ja niiden toimitusketjuissa.


Eradicating Exploitation – Tackling Forced Labour and Child Labour in Supply Chains

How to identify labour exploitation within complex supply chains? What steps should companies take to mitigate the risk of child labour? Join us for this webinar to discuss eradicating exploitation.


EU Forced Labour Regulation

What does the new labour regulation mean for your company? In this webinar you will hear it straight from a MEP, ILO expert and Head of Labour of the UN Global Compact.


Office Hours: Communication on Progress

Join this session to receive the latest updates about the Communication on Progress and pose your questions to the Global Compact Office.


WEPs 101

Co-hosted by UN Women and the UN Global Compact, this virtual session will provide an overview of the Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEPs) and how the WEPs provide a strong framework for companies to advance gender equality in the workplace, marketplace, and community.


Understanding the CSRD/ESRS requirements: Part 3, Environmental Standards

This four-part webinar series provides UN Global Compact participants with a comprehensive understanding of the CSRD/ESRS and outlines specific requirements to help companies integrate the directive into their business practices.


UN Global Compact Onboarding

Join this session to learn about engagement opportunities as a Participant of UN Global Compact in Finland.


Nordic TNFD webinar: Implementing CSRD and TNFD reporting

Businesses and financial institutions across Europe are fully engaged in the implementation of the new CSRD sustainability reporting and more than 300 companies have signed up as early adopters of the TNFD recommendations. In December, EFRAG and the TNFD secretariat announced that detailed mapping and guidance will be published, but already in January an “interoperability tool” was made public by EFRAG. While awaiting the detailed mapping and guidance, this webinar will look at the interoperability between TNFD and ESRS standards.


Better Hospitality Initiative: webinar 4

This is the fourth webinar of our webinar series aimed at supporting businesses in the hospitality industry in their sustainability journey.


Nordic Climate Discussion Series: Avoided Emissions

Join us for an informative and interactive discussion with Marvin Henry (World Business Council of Sustainable Development) and leading UN Global Compact participating companies to discuss the evolving landscape of avoided emissions.


Understanding the CSRD/ESRS requirements: Part 2, Cross-cutting and Governance Standards

This four-part webinar series provides UN Global Compact participants with a comprehensive understanding of the CSRD/ESRS and outlines specific requirements to help companies integrate the directive into their business practices.


Nordic Climate Discussion Series: Market-based Accounting for Scope 3

Join us for an informative discussion on the evolving landscape of market-based accounting. We will introduce the current state of market-based accounting for scope 3, explore the different mechanisms available, discuss criteria and safeguards to ensure credibility, and hear an overview of upcoming developments from the GHG Protocol.


Better Hospitality Initiative: webinar 3

Join us for the third webinar of our webinar series aimed at supporting businesses in the hospitality industry in their sustainability journey.


Corporate action to advance a just transition

Join to hear concrete examples from companies across different sectors shedding light on their strategies to planning and contributing to a just transition.


UN Global Compact Network Finland ry:n vuosikokous ja seminaari

Tervetuloa UN Global Compact Suomen vuosikokoukseen ja seminaariin "Leave no one behind – Isot murrokset ja kestävän liiketoiminnan tulevaisuus".


Understanding the CSRD/ESRS Requirements: Part 1, Understanding the Directive

This four-part webinar series provides UN Global Compact participants with a comprehensive understanding of the CSRD/ESRS and outlines specific requirements to help companies integrate the directive into their business practices.


Office Hours: Communication on Progress

Join this session to receive the latest updates about the Communication on Progress and pose your questions to the Global Compact Office.


Better Hospitality Initiative: webinar 2

Join us for the second webinar of our webinar series aimed at supporting businesses in the hopsitality industry in their sustainability journey.

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